Impeachment inquiry threatens Biden with election-year headache

A formal inquiry, with public hearings, has the potential to loom over his election campaign in 2024.
2023-12-14 03:06:49

Iceland: View from above as eruption fears loom

BBC correspondent flies over the Reykjanes Peninsula, where the volcanic activity has been concentrated.
2023-11-16 21:07:38

Több mint négy évtizedes csúcson a kakaó ára

A kakaó New York-i határidős jegyzése 44 éves csúcsra emelkedett a globális hiány és a megnövekedett kereslet miatt - írja a Bloomberg.
2023-10-24 10:11:30

Iran-backed Hezbollah militants loom over Israel-Hamas war

Post Content
2023-10-12 22:08:26

Political violence and insecurity loom large as Ecuadorians get ready to vote

Gissella Cecibel Molina doesn't know if she will lose her right eye, which was injured last week when her colleague and friend, presidential candidate Fernando Villavicencio, was assassinated in front of her as they left a political rally in Ecuador's capital, Quito.
2023-08-16 01:27:04

Possible charges loom for Donald Trump over classified documents

US media report the ex-president has been notified of a probe, suggesting he could soon face charges.
2023-06-08 06:08:33

European leaders head to Beijing with hope of driving peace in Ukraine, while balancing business ties

French President Emmanuel Macron and European Commission chief Ursula von der Leyen arrive in Beijing Wednesday for a visit France has framed as a high stakes chance to push China to do more for peace in Ukraine, but where European economic interests will also loom large.
2023-04-05 12:07:09

Trump set for Waco rally as investigations loom and DeSantis battle brews

Former President Donald Trump is set to hold a campaign rally Saturday in Waco, Texas -- returning to the trail amid his warnings of "death & destruction" resulting from investigations into his actions.
2023-03-25 21:06:41

As Trump's legal troubles loom large, 2024 GOP field seeks to stay on message

As former President Donald Trump heads to Texas on Saturday for his first major campaign rally, the handbrake remains on for most of his potential 2024 rivals.
2023-03-25 17:06:47

Trump heads to Waco as investigations loom and DeSantis battle brews

Former President Donald Trump is set to hold a campaign rally Saturday in Waco, Texas -- returning to the trail amid his warnings of "death & destruction" resulting from investigations into his actions.
2023-03-25 17:06:25

Some Trump rivals rally to his side as possible charges loom

Post Content
2023-03-18 21:09:02

Historic biodiversity pact inspires, but past failures loom

Post Content
2022-12-20 23:07:42

As the holiday season kicks in, consumers still don't feel great about their finances

US consumer confidence fell in November as inflation and economic uncertainty continued to loom large and potentially dampen holiday shopping plans.
2022-11-29 18:17:17

Ukraine war, tensions with China loom over big Bali summit

Post Content
2022-11-13 06:07:16

Myanmar tops Asian summit's agenda as global issues loom

Post Content
2022-11-09 05:16:17

Iran suffers 'major disruption' of internet as protests loom

Post Content
2022-10-12 11:24:54

Next up for US unions: Major contracts for 700,000 workers

The 11th hour deal that prevented a crippling strike at the nation's freight railroads is the biggest win for US unions in years.
2022-09-19 04:06:02

John Avlon: Defaulting on our debt would be catastrophic

CNN's John Avlon looks at past presidents' views on improving US infrastructure and defaulting on national debt as the same issues loom over President Joe Biden.
2021-09-30 16:05:48

'Diana: The Musical' brings the stage to Netflix, but 'The Crown' hangs over its head

After splendid presentations of "Hamilton" and "Come From Away" brought theater into homes via other streamers, Netflix adds to the act with a bonus, offering "Diana: The Musical" prior to its stage debut. But other productions, including Netflix's own The Crown," loom large over this vibrant but oft-told tale, dutifully recounting Princess Diana's story through a less-than-memorable assortment of songs.
2021-10-01 16:05:46

'Diana: The Musical' brings the stage to Netflix, but 'The Crown' hangs over its head

After splendid presentations of "Hamilton" and "Come From Away" brought theater into homes via other streamers, Netflix adds to the act with a bonus, offering "Diana: The Musical" prior to its stage debut. But other productions, including Netflix's own The Crown," loom large over this vibrant but oft-told tale, dutifully recounting Princess Diana's story through a less-than-memorable assortment of songs.
2021-10-01 16:05:53

At Dubai?s Expo, the world?s problematic politics loom

2021-10-04 09:06:33

Boeing's 737 Max problems are improving, but plenty of other issues loom

Boeing's 737 Max troubles are improving, the company's quarterly results released Wednesday showed ? but it's facing a host of other problems.
2021-10-27 17:05:51

Biden seeks rebound as he basks in huge political victory

President Joe Biden's soon-to-be-signed $1 trillion infrastructure legislation is a direly needed political win and a vindication of his entire creed of politics. But on its own, it is unlikely to rescue a wobbling presidency as midterm elections loom.
2021-11-08 07:07:53

China faces host of challenges as Winter Olympics loom

As the two-month countdown to the Beijing Winter Olympics approaches, a new Covid-19 variant of concern is spreading around the globe. A recent #MeToo scandal involving China's top tennis star and a retired top Communist Party leader, the ongoing mistreatment of the Uyghurs and other controversies have also piled further pressure on Beijing as calls for a Games boycott surface. CNN's David Culver reports.
2021-12-02 15:05:44

Koronavírus: Drámaian növekvő számokat hozott az omikron

Sokkoló ütemben nő a fertőzöttek száma Dél-afrikai Köztársaságban, ahol a múlt héten a világon először fedezték fel a koronavírus szupervariánsát, az omikront. Hétfő óta megötszöröződött az új fertőzöttek száma:a hét első napján még csak 2273 új esetet jelentettek, kedden már 4373-t, szerdán 8561-t, csütörtökön pedig 11.535-t. A koronavírusban elhunytak száma pedig 44 volt. Az omikron a delta-variánsnál is sokkal gyorsabban terjed, már ki is szorította a többi koronavírus-variánst a térségben. A fertőzési rátája ugyanis háromszoros a korábbi vírus-változatokhoz képest. Az omikron elterjedése ...
2021-12-03 08:07:28

Ketyeg az óra Biden számára a félidős választások előtt, a demokraták vereségre készülnek

Joe Biden amerikai elnöknek nagyon kevés ideje maradt arra, hogy fontos törvényjavaslatokat vigyen keresztül a Kongresszuson, mielőtt a figyelem a november 8-i félidős választásokra terelődik ? írja a Reuters.
2022-01-10 18:06:50

Blinken to travel to Ukraine and Germany this week

Secretary of State Antony Blinken will travel to Ukraine and Germany this week as the Russian threat toward Ukraine continues to loom.
2022-01-18 14:06:12

Blinken to travel to Ukraine and Germany this week

Secretary of State Antony Blinken will travel to Ukraine and Germany this week as the Russian threat toward Ukraine continues to loom.
2022-01-18 14:06:13

Biden-Putin meeting discussed as Ukraine war fears loom

Post Content
2022-02-21 10:11:11

Why markets care about Putin's aggression

In 2021, investors might have averted their eyes from a military conflict in Ukraine. But as concerns about inflation and reduced support from central banks loom, geopolitical tensions that could hurt the global economy are taking center stage.
2022-02-22 16:07:58

Why markets care about Putin's aggression

In 2021, investors might have averted their eyes from a military conflict in Ukraine. But as concerns about inflation and reduced support from central banks loom, geopolitical tensions that could hurt the global economy are taking center stage.
2022-02-23 08:09:50

Óriási tőkeinjekcióra lesz szükségük az orosz bankoknak

Széleskörű feltőkésítésre lesz szükségük az orosz bankoknak - mondta Andrej Kosztyin, a második legnagyobb orosz hitelintézet, a VTB vezérigazgatója a TASZSZ hírügynökségnek. Ennek mértékét még az idén meg kell határozni, amint tisztább képet kapunk a szektor veszteségeiről - hangsúlyozta a Reuters szerint.
2022-04-05 20:28:18

China tensions loom as Japan's Okinawa marks 50 years since US handover

The Japanese island chain of Okinawa marked the 50th anniversary on Sunday of the end of US occupation and its return to Japan with ceremonies and celebrations amid growing worry about its proximity to an increasingly assertive China.
2022-05-15 10:05:49

China tensions loom as Japan's Okinawa marks 50 years since US handover

The Japanese island chain of Okinawa marked the 50th anniversary on Sunday of the end of US occupation and its return to Japan with ceremonies and celebrations amid growing worry about its proximity to an increasingly assertive China.
2022-05-15 12:08:10

Sri Lanka's former President has stepped down -- but larger problems loom for the crisis-hit country

Sri Lanka's President Gotabaya Rajapaksa, who fled the country earlier this week, has formally resigned, the parliamentary speaker confirmed Friday, capping off a chaotic 72-hours in the crisis-hit nation that saw protesters storm the capital.
2022-07-15 13:06:11

How do we know when we're in a recession? Here's what to know

? Mortgage rates fall as fears about the US economy loom ? Steak is having a moment
2022-07-29 11:08:05

OPEC agrees to produce slightly more oil as recession fears loom

The world's oil-exporting countries have agreed to a tiny increase in output next month amid fears that a global recession will crimp demand.
2022-08-04 19:06:32

Pence's 2024 hopes loom over potential testimony to Jan. 6 committee

Key members of the House committee probing the January 6, 2021, insurrection are dialing up pressure on former Vice President Mike Pence -- whom pro-Donald Trump rioters demanded be hanged on that dark day -- to testify to their committee.
2022-08-22 10:10:27

Kölcsönös kényszerből jöhet a magyar EU-pénzes alku, három emberre nagyon kell figyelni

Hosszabb távon súlyos károkhoz vezetne az egész Európai Unióban, ha a jogállamisági viták miatt év végéig nem születne meg az alku a magyar kormány és az európai intézmények között, mert emiatt a magyar kormány később blokkolhatja az EU saját forrás rendeletét ? vázolja névtelen brüsszeli forrásaira hivatkozva a kölcsönös kényszer okát a Market News portál hétfői cikke.
2022-08-22 19:16:19

Small nuke reactors emerge as energy option, but risks loom

Post Content
2022-09-10 13:11:26


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